as it has been mentioned in the previous post, it is first and foremost essential to realize that you need a strategy. That your company will prosper and will be much more successful if you understand that it is essential to think a few moves in advance.
Once you realize this, you know that there might be some issues that should be avoided, like the common mistakes, that so many have done before you, and you may do as well.
Those mistakes are simply like crimes, they are very dangerous, and they can be avoided. How? by knowing what others do well and how they fail. How they stand up and go forward after making those mistakes.
If they can, you can do it too. You can make things easy by learning and grabbing their wisdom. This is something so many have done before. me included.
But not just read, use what they say, and try if it is good for you.
So the common mistakes are :
1. the troubles with taxes. this comes as a real thread to many people when they lead their companies, and forget about setting up the tax issues correctly. This is something really essential.I have written a thorough article about it, you will find it here: Common Mistakes in Business.
To do it right, just create your company, and start paying taxes, hire a good or even great accountant and know what you are doing. that accountant will take the troubles from your hands, and will deal with them.
2. have you thought about creating a purpose for yourself? have you thought about why your business exists, and how many people will be better off because you have existed?
When you study the life and example of Steve Jobs, you will be amazed how happiness devoted he was.
When you understood that people most of the time do not really know what to do and how to act, what is good and what is bed, he just made his conscious decisions. he trusted his instinct, he trusted his brain, and knew that it is important to make decisions.
learn about him as much as you can.
3. No managing people correctly. When you observe the biggest companies that exists out there or that have failed, and are losing its money or people, you will see that the common reason to it are... people.
How you deal with people really matters. Its about the people that live in your area, their feelings and their goals. Help them become better and show them the way. It will pay you back very very handsomely.
To know more about those isues you may read Sun Tzu's "the art of war" , or the biography of Steve Jobs by Walter Issackson.
To find more about such issues, you will like go to my blog, that is about personal development, but also the human brilliance, and future business ideas. to find it, Click Here.
Good Luck and till the next time...
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